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Jacques Ranciere's Idea on Art & Philosophy

Rancière's idea about art, politics and philosply was of a critical idea. He believed in obliterating the difference between arts a politics. His most for reaching attempt to do the aforementioned was by giving empirical content to (real happenings, in the world) to the idea of aesthetic art. This can be further understood by knowing the shift in writing (describing things of nature) by poets and writers, especially romantic poets and writers. They all aroused the writing about development, love, change in the world order (after world wars) and how humans are caring and nurturing. Some prime examples are:- Rabindranath Tagore, Jaun Elia, Victor Hugo, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Mahadevi verma, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, John Keats, Charlatte Smith, , Hannah More. Tagore, as a major example, write Gutanjali a collection of 104 proses which had poems narrating & about materialistic possessions and spiritual longing & one of his most praised work, EKLA CHOLO RE, noted that

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