Bullet Train Review

Brad Pitt is the reason why the lot of us would watch this movie and he, undoubtedly, leaves an impression on us. He has done justice to the character of the Ladybug and the twists and turns in the movie sit quite uniquely and become the film's selling point. He does not show off his acting askills, however, his dialogues and the delivery are whimsical and laughable. The supporting cast has done a fabulous job, especially, Brian and Aaron, and their chemistry works really well in the film. 

The comedy is outstanding, not rib-tickling but manages to be a complete entertainer. One can find themself facepalming to the cringe dialogues, however, for most part of the film, Pitt carries the funny bandwagon to make it worthwhile. 

The screenplay is good, and is exciting with huge bits of thrill. The timely introduction of the characters keep the movie alive & kicking and does not wander off the premise of the movie. 

The stunts worked well, although, some of them could have been avoided as they felt over the top. Otherwise, the action sequences are of the level of John Wick action sequences and are placed really nicely. The excellent choreography of the stunts made this film relatively good. 

In a gist, the funny dialogues and the familiar intense screenplay with the fantastic stunts make up for the lack of novelty in the movie. It is not groundbreaking, but surely it is entertaining. And that's what the movie is about. 


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