Life Hacks To Boost Self Esteem

In today's world, people are hungry for validation from the ones they don't even trust and like. That's how they start getting hurt and make their self-esteem go down by a mile. The only validation one needs is the self validation, and there's nothing more happening than validating yourself and the ways of how you fight your battles. 

The problem with seeking validation is that it sucks the self esteem of a person down to the last bit. People get sucked into this loop lose their will and their esteem. And many of these people have no idea on how to boost their self-esteem. This piece is greatly for those people. 

Firstly, one should make a list of all the accomplishments they have. No matter how all they are, they can be having a decent job, cooking a favourite meal, cutting of own hair, buying a house and making it home, helping a person smile. 

Secondly, an individual can do something that their good at. Can cook? Get along and experiment on a dish. Can play an instrument? Make a band out of it. Do something that's close to heart and continue doing it. 

Thirdly, give back or help someone. It's the most simple and effective way a person their can boost self-esteem. Do volunteer work, take neighbors' dogs out for a dog or even babysit their dogs, and best, be a part of a charity event. 

The next way helps boost self-esteem is by taking up a new skill. Try learning a new language, it is proven that learning a new language changes the biological activity of the brain and makes us smarter. Try taking up swimming, try Baking. Just try. 

Last but not the least. Go to therapy. An individual can know more about himself or herself by talking to someone and getting light on how he or she can improve the way they think the world operates. Therapy helps to know the strengths and weaknesses of oneself and the value the person holds. 

Just trust the process of living and breathing. Talk to someone, smile more (even if you don't want to) and breathe.


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