What makes us human?

What has ever happened to you that made you think about the way you call yourself a human being? 

What defines that a person is a human being? 

These aren't really tough questions to answer. I promise. Of course, one would take a few moments to ponder those questions but I'll provide the answer. It's the way one takes in every problem, every issue, every good thing that happens to them and still be considerate enough to be kind and generous towards the ones they are surrounded by. 

Quite a long answer, but that does not weigh down the moral of it. Numerous amounts of time people behave irrationally and with disregard towards others just to let their anger and pent up energy out to the world. And according the law of nature, the fittest survives in any tough situation they face. And letting oneself release anger onto someone else is always something a weak creature would do, and currently does in this vast world. 

One can be considerate and yet stand your ground, against the ones who seem intimidating. Being a good person, being a good listener, being a good soul is a choice. Likewise, being a dark, bad, and close minded person is also a choice. The only difference is the way one chooses to be on either of the side. And that side is inside oneself, and that too, naturally. Being a murderer, dacoit or even a bad-mouther needs the same motivation that would be required to be a gentleperson, a gem in the crowd and a helper. It's the output one craves that would give them satisfaction to do the needful. 

So, in a crux, one being a human being can be observed by the way they shape and behave in relation to the surrounding they have and what are they carrying inside their heart.


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