One language won't do you good

How many languages do you know and speak? 

Many will say that they know about 3 languages, and those will be Hindi, English and the mother tongue language of those people. And this count of languages goes down from 3 to 1 where Hindi or English aren't prominently spoken. And this leads to a very low tangent.

The comfort zone of speaking only in a certain language makes students lethargic and used to the plain and dull way of living life. They feel the comfort zone they're in is helping them stay out of trouble, but in reality, it's eating their future away. How can one think of working, let's say, in America when they only know the prominent language of their country? One can fool himself or herself, but cannot fool America and live a life out of full comfort there. 

We need to understand that we are birds with invisible wings that help us not stay at one place and stay stuck. We're meant to see new people and have long conversations with them so they become our friends. We're meant to explore places far away from our small world called the comfort zone. 

Let's say one person, who doesn't know English, manages to go abroad for a vacation. When he lands with excitement and walks to exit the airport, he is sure to have a bummer of an experience as he has knowledge on how to call a driver who could drive him to a hotel. He wouldn't even be able to ask for the directions to the hotel he has his room booked via a private vacation company. 

Yes, you should take pride in the language you are taught and are bound with. Yes, it's important. But it is NOT an element to show off that one knows only one language. It will just get you down. Here's your reminder that your comfort zone will kill your dreams some day and eventually end up making you a very unhappy person. 

Go out, meet new people, learn languages.


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